Selecting an Enterprise for Pasture Based Livestock Farms
Date: Tuesday, May 13
Time: 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Location: 301 East Center Street Lexington, NC
Many people have land or want land, to start farming. Some know exactly what they want to raise or grow and others are unsure. Some want a homestead, to provide for themselves and maybe grow a little extra to sell, while others want to grow for production. If you are unsure of what you want to do or where to start, this series of workshops may be right for you. Beginning May 6, there will be a series of three workshops to walk you through some of the questions you may have trouble answering. There are many options available for pasture-based livestock operations depending on your goals, experience, and land available. We will discuss livestock and infrastructure needs. The differences in breeding operations versus grower/finisher operations and scale of operations.