blueberries in spring

“A local food system can completely revive your local health, local business, your economy as a whole.”


Working towards building an equitable and resilient food system for the health and economic welfare of our community.


Who We Are


Davidson County Local Food Network is a group composed of private citizens, representatives from the Health Department, Cooperative extension, businesses, farms governmental and non-governmental organizations who feel the need to make food a priority. 

When we talk about food, we talk about access to food, food quality, food quantity, food economy, and food waste. Many factors affect the health of a community, and our food system plays a major role. Watch the video below to find out more about food councils around North Carolina.




We have set up the following action committees to work wth the current issues facing Davidson County during this COVID-19 Pandemic:

  • Community and Home Gardens

    • Current priority is developing models for community gardens, covid-19 recommended protocols, home garden models for new gardeners

  • Health Promotion and Access (Food Security and Recovery)

    • Free Meal Access Workgroup - this group is composed of school nutrition directions, school superintendents, food pantries, church food pantries, and other health and food-related organizations

    • Improve access to healthy food options, work towards food prescription and Snap-incentive programs

  • Farm and Food Economy

    • Currently working on developing relevant workshops and support for local food and farming businesses

    • Farm Tour Sub-committee workgroup

    • Farmers Market planning sub-0committee

  • Piedmont Fresh Advisory Committee (invite-only)

If you are interested in participating on one or more of these action committees, email us and we will add you to our meeting alerts.


Get Involved

Be part of the solution. Be part of our network. Davidson County Local Food Network is open to anyone interested in any aspect of improving our local food system. 

If you feel that we need any of the following:

  • better and diverse restaurants

  • better quality food

  • More locally produced food

  • More local produce in our grocery stores, restaurants, corner stores, schools, senior homes

  • more food entrepreneurs

  • more support to develop local entrepreneurship

  • increased resources for entrepreneurs, farmers, restaurants, distributors

  • more community gardens

  • community gardens in schools

  • increased agritourism

  • access to skills training in cooking, food processing, product development

  • better food policy that improves food access and food quality

  • lowering food waste

  • improving access to healthy food

And you want to do something about it. Join us at our next Local Food Meetup.